N° 12 / 2024

Just Get Started!

Transformation must be considered and implemented holistically. Whether modular factory, demand management or supply chain. The main thing is to get started!

Just Get Started!
Just Get Started!
Andreas Hoberg
Andreas Hoberg
Managing PartnerIngenics Consulting
Dear Readers,

We’re living in a rapidly changing world that constantly confronts us with new challenges. Transformation has turned into a never-ending story that needs to be shaped. However, for many companies, transformation is still a massive hurdle that ties up capacities and frequently threatens to end in failure. We believe that transformation must be imagined and implemented holistically, but where should companies start? Concepts and methods are usually the first spontaneous response, but that – alone – is no longer enough. A critical look at processes is a significant success factor for getting changes off the ground and implementing them for the long haul. More than anything else, though, transformation calls for the courage to just get started.

In this issue of Ingenics Magazine, we take a closer look at exactly those three aspects based on the topics of “Modular Factory,” “Sales & Operations Planning,” and “Global Supply Chain.” The interviews with various experts show that transformation has to do with mutability and flexibility, which must be reflected in the concepts, in the tools, and in the processes. All experts agreed that there’s merit in just getting started.

With Ingenics Magazine, we aim to share some forward thinking, provide ideas and inspiration, and, above all, bring the right things together. I hope you find this issue to be an enjoyable read, encouraging constructive exchanges with your colleagues, business partners, and with us as well. We look forward to your suggestions and feedback.

Sincerely yours,

Our key themes in this issue

The Modular Factory – “Factories must be mutable”
Page 14
Operations Planning – The Right Way to Manage Demand and Capacities
Page 30
Global Supply Chain – Reinforcing Supply Chain Resilience
Page 36

The following articles may also be part of this issue

The Modular Factory – Focus on Mutability
How to Revolutionize Factory Design
3 Questions for …
Maximum Energy Flexibility on the Factory Floor
The Future of Factory Planning Lies in the Virtual Space
“Breaking up silo thinking and thinking holistically”
“We’ve become more flexible”
“Not feasible without digital solutions”
“Trade is suffering from excessive regulation”